The Worst Pest Affecting Small Business Owners

by | Oct 6, 2020 | Blog

There is a plague that, in my view, affects more home business entrepreneurs than any other area, and it is one that can be easily healed if people take this blog article seriously.

This is referred to as “Unmanaged Expectations”

One of the most significant disadvantages among home businesses is when individuals have a concept or dream about how things should be that is far off from reality.

I think that the main complaint individuals have with home businesses is that the result they seek does not happen very quickly.

Why is this the case?

The primary reason, in my opinion, is that they view their business as a lottery ticket.

That is correct. A TICKET TO THE LOTTERY!

What are lottery players looking for when they purchase a ticket?

Essentially, it’s to go purchase a ticket, sit back, and wait for the money to come. That is the assumption when purchasing a lottery ticket, and that is also the way many failed business owners operate.

Many people fail in business because they seek a quick solution to their challenges.

They claim to create a business, but the reality is that they are unwilling to undertake the things that successful individuals do in order to achieve.

What they truly desire is a quick cure to their financial difficulties in order to meet the urgent need to pay the bills.

You may have this attitude if you have mentioned the following when enrolling in a program…

“This is my last kobo; I am broke now; and I need to make some cash fast”.

or perhaps this…

“Is this program going to work for me because I’ve tried so many others and none of them have worked?”

or perhaps this…

“What must I do in the next two weeks to earn 100k?”

These are just a few indicators of a harmful mentality for your brand or your home business.

Can you quickly turn a profit in your business? Yes, you can, but it will need some commitment on your part. Bear in mind when you begin your online business that no money is earned until and unless a sale is made.

Allow me to repeat that so it settles in…


There is no silver bullet for increasing sales. Speaking with individuals you know who might be interested in your product or services  is the simplest and quickest approach to generate income.

However, this will not support you in the long run. To generate an income comparable to the top earners, it will need dedication, determination, and consistency to expand it over time.

The key to all of this is regulating your expectations in order to devote the necessary time and effort to making it happen.

If you can acquire this valuable virtue of self-control and self-discipline in order to accomplish your goals, you will have a lot higher chance of success in your business.


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